Immersive film forum

How Does Time Shape Cheese and Life? The Magic of Aging, from Cheese to Wisdom

Shelf Life Documentary Screening and Q&A

How Does Time Shape Cheese and Life? The Magic of Aging, from Cheese to Wisdom

05 de noviembre del 2024
De 2:00 a 3:35 p. m.
Milton Friedman Auditorium, Universidad Francisco Marroquín

Join us for a special screening of Shelf Life, a documentary that takes viewers on a surprising global odyssey through the world of cheese. Through playful vignettes and expert reflections, the film explores how the aging process of cheese mirrors the journey of human life—filled with transformation, challenges, and wisdom.

Following the screening, Robyn Metcalfe, the executive producer, will engage the audience in a live Q&A session, diving deeper into the themes of the film and its philosophical reflections on aging, flavor, and the passage of time.

Robyn Metcalfe

Founder of The Lunar Society
Robyn Metcalfe is a historian, author, executive producer, and founder of The Lunar Society. She has founded other adventures in publishing and agricultural conservation. Books include The New Wizard War:How the Soviets Steal US High Technology and How We Give It Away, Meat, Commerce, and the City: The Food Markets in Nineteeth Century London, Food Routes, and Humans in Our Food. Publications include Food+City, and documentary films include The Long Coast, The Arc of Oblivion, and Shelf Life. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and her masters and doctorate from Boston University. She was a professor at The University of Texas at Austin for twelve years. The Lunar Society is a rowdy and creative group of filmmakers and experience designers that use their curiosity to launch enduring conversations about complicated questions.


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